What is the price of Freedom to you? Is it worth the price of a government check?

Monday, March 22, 2010

The War to Repeal Starts TODAY

The gauntlet has been thrown down by Democrats hell-bent on extending control of government over our lives, apparently untroubled by the costs that will add more debt to our already overburdened nation.

A bill that was passed only in the most sickening manner with sleight of hand, bribes, raw political threats, and secrecy?  Never mind that!  Passed with accounting trickery that would make Enron blush?  It's all for your own good - you just don't understand that yet!  A bill sold as a deficit-reducer that will add over a trillion dollars to our federal spending and half-a-trillion of that added to our national debt?  Hey, it'll all work out, never fear!  A bill that doesn't even address most of the fundamental issues creating pressures and problems in our health care system?  We'll fix that later, trust Congress to do the right thing!  A bill that increases taxes on businesses and individuals, imposes penalties if you don't make specific decisions the government deems best, and will increase health care costs to those of us with jobs and health insurance?  Hey, don't be selfish - it's for the good of all!  A bill that will add significant burdens to a health care system and providers already very busy while reducing payments for services provided?  Never fear, somehow the system will handle it with no decrease in quality of care and service - not sure how, but again just trust us!

This bill is a disaster in so many ways one hardly knows where to start but let's try beginning with this: the federal government has just thrust itself into yet another area of your life.  Your personal choices and options will now be limited and controlled by the federal government.  Does that inspire confidence in you?  You think the feds and Congress can do this right?  Can you think of a single solitary large scale service-oriented system at which government has done well?  Especially at the federal level?  And this bill puts Congress in the drivers seat for a much larger, more complex system than it HAS EVER ATTEMPTED BEFORE.

The challenge before us could hardly be more daunting, as it has perhaps no comparison in our history.  What we must do is mount such a massive effort between now and November that we will overwhelm the Democrats.  It must be the most unmistakable message that it cannot be missed even by the thick-headed mainstream media.  It must let everyone in Washington know that we expect them to REPEAL this bill and give us back the freedom they took.  There are other ways to resolve problems in our health care system without destroying what is the best health care system in the world.

What I'm asking of each of you is this:
(1) make sure you are registered to vote where you live.
(2) find a few reliable internet sites that will allow you to keep in touch with and support this effort in your area and across the nation.
(3) look for opportunities to talk to other about this.  E-mail discussions, blogs, letters to editors, calls to talk radio shows and politicians, talking to and educating your family and friends - we need to create a groundswell that builds over a full 8 month period.  Our lives are busy and people's attention spans are short but we must find a way to do this.  If there is one moment in history we need to rise up with stamina and determination and never give up, it's now.  This is our Revolutionary War.  The patriots of 1776 had a long, hard slog to fight the British for 7 years...they never gave up.  That's our inspiration for the next 8 months.  We cannot get discouraged, cannot tire, cannot weaken.  In fact, we must get stronger every month that passes.

Please keep in touch and let's make this thing happen.  We are Americans, and we will NOT tolerate being dictated to by the elites, ruined and warped with power, in Washington.


Kevin Petersen said...

Well my opinion on this is that this health bill is a 9-11 attack on our dollar. The world order is trying to collapse the dollar. This has nothing to do with Obama. Obama is just a puppet and controlled by bankers and some elite faceless powers. The collapse of the dollar will lead to the Amero then down to a global currency that will be ran by one central bank. With interest enslaving us all as it already does with Credit cards and High priced Mortgages. The only way to solve the Debt problem is to go back to the gold standard and let the markets correct. This will mean a depression but we will pull out of it. Inflating our problem with fake money is setting the dollar up for total collapse.

People always say hey get out and vote. Protest but if you ask me this has never really worked. If anything it is just a political tool used to give an outlet to angry citizens. If you need an extreme change you need and extreme action. That is what our 2nd amendment is for. Guns are meant to stop this kind of thing from happening. People owned guns back when the Declaration of Independence was being made to hunt for food. The reason the founding fathers put this amendment in the constitution is to keep government in check.
To be honest I think we are all a bunch of wimps and have been slowly lead into slavery like a frog in a boiling pot of water. If you wanna get all religious Half the Book of Mormon is people fighting in wars over freedom and territories. Do we fight??? or Kneel waiting for the super elite to rape pillage and kill us then let our 2,000 kids grow up and fight the problem. I know it sounds extreme but what I'm trying to say is we have no sense of ownership anymore. People have no real voice and politicians are being manipulated.
One major thing that I have noticed is that I get paid by the government. Being extreme and proactive is actually bad for me. Why would I want to bite the hand that feeds me. Ahhhh but that is what this bill is also doing by taking control of a huge part of our citizens paychecks. People will now depend on this health bill to get paid and cover their health costs. Y would anyone want to destroy this? Anyways rambling. I feel better now...kind of like protesting with no results coming of it.

Teej MacArthur said...

Yeah, Kev, I agree it seems that protesting doesn't accomplish can be pretty limited at best. That said, protests as a part of a multi-faceted effort I believe can make some difference. What makes the biggest difference is talking like this to family and friends and getting educated and familiar with the issues so when we are in discussions with others we can be persuasive. It's only by persuading more people to join us that we can really make a difference. Even then there are plenty of forces that threaten to knock things off track. But I can't just lay down and let this happen. At the same time most American tradition is that we resolve most of our disputes without violence - that's not always true, of course, but it is quite often and it makes American society more stable and peaceful than most around the world. Keep your spirits up, man!