What is the price of Freedom to you? Is it worth the price of a government check?

Thursday, June 10, 2010

Beijing More Stable Than Washington

I think this guy really gets it - Obama and the Democrats are not only foolish but fundamentally incompetent. In their attempts to use the force of government to manhandle individuals and every private entity, they shake the very foundation of what has made our nation great and our economy the most successful in the world. When entrepreneurs see more opportunity and confidence in the stability of China than of the United States, it raises (or should raise to the Obama Administration and Congress) critical questions about what is happening in Washington. I agree with him that much of the public has at least got the sense that things are being done that undermine our ability to be strong and move forward.

Go to this link and watch the 2 minute video of the owner of the Wynn Hotel in Las Vegas being interviewed by CNBC reporter. Judge for yourself.